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There are many Slap Battles scripts. So if you are looking for endless slaps and more, here are all active script gui (pastebin) for Roblox Slap Battles. You will be able to enhance the fun of your friends and contribute to the team that wants to defeat their enemies. There is nothing like real battles on the internet!

Over the past few years, Slap Battles has become a popular choice of games on the platform. It’s got awesome graphics, a large playerbase, and one of the best animations of any game in Roblox. The community is always growing, and it’s one of the most played and loved games in Roblox history!


Slap Battles is a game that takes place in a high school. In this place full of teenagers who battle each other with their hands, one student stands above the rest. His name is Roblox Slap Brings. What made it stand out was his fighting style. The combat system involves slapping and simply hitting your opponent away with your hands. There are also various punch types you can use to change up the strategy and strategy-based combat system itself.

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